Whistles For Ukraine
Leave No Victim Unheard

Whistles Save Lives.
In conditions of war and disaster, whistles provide an easy way for search parties and humanitarian groups to find survivors who may be trapped under rubble or inside structures. With your help, we can provide whistles to Ukrainians in towns across the country to aid in preservation of life.

Project Statement
Whistles for Ukraine is a multidimensional participation project. In times of disaster and war, there is always a risk of getting trapped underneath rubble or within a structure. Preservation of life is key, therefore using whistles to alert search groups and helpers, both conserves the energy of survivors and gives them a better chance of being found.
With your help of purchasing whistles or donating directly, we will distribute whistles in towns across Ukraine to ensure that as many people as possible have the ability to call out for help no matter what the circumstances are.
To make your contribution please click the ‘Amazon Wishlist’ button to buy from our Amazon wish list or scroll down to the donate button. To the left is an image of the whistles and tags we have specially crafted for this project. They can be attached easily to lanyards and are small enough to fit into pockets suiting a variety of lifestyles and needs. Once tagged, they are sent directly to Ukraine and distributed by our volunteers to communities around the country.
Thank you for your generosity and compassion. Let us work together to make sure that no victim is left unheard!